TranSend Solutions
CFS offers a variety of services that allow your financial institution to manage ATM and ITM transactions quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money. This also includes access to our dedicated support team who are there to assist you at any time.
CFS offers a variety of services that allow your financial institution to manage ATM and ITM transactions quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money. This also includes access to our dedicated support team who are there to assist you at any time.
How It Works
Processing CFS Capture points
Items are captured remotely via CFS Branch, ATM, Mobile, and/or Merchant capture and sent to the software at the datacenter. Items are proofed and balanced by your Financial Institution’s balancing team. In the case of errors (transactions out of balance, missing items, unreadable items) the necessary parties at the Financial Institution can be emailed a description of the error.
Other Third-Party Capture
If other forms of capture are utilized by the Financial Institution, such as third-party merchant or mobile capture, the items captured by the third-party will be provided to the CFS Transaction Interchange Server in a specifically formatted file for processing. In the case of errors (items missing data fields), the item(s) will be corrected by your Financial Institution. Third-party capture items will be processed through the appropriate CFS output processes for your institution.
FedReceipt Plus
CFS can receive your incoming cashletter of returned items (chargebacks) from the FED. Process and match incoming chargebacks. Based on criteria determined by the Financial Institution, CFS will re-present items to the FED to attempt collection. Remaining items will be available to the Financial Institution to print as an IRD to chargeback to their client.
DirectBranch is designed for financial institutions to take advantage of a more efficient item processing environment. Whether the preference would be to send batches to a back office to balance or to allow tellers to balance their own work, DirectBranch will work in either environment.
Branch File Capture Solution

Other Services
Items needing to be cleared with the FED are exported in an X937 file format. The file is then delivered to the FED on behalf of the Financial Institution.
CFS will download/receive from CORE a file indicating items that need to be returned to FED. Process and match the items. Build FedReturn file and deliver it to the FED on behalf of the Financial Institution.
CFS will build and deliver required CORE format file to post transactions and ONUS items to the Financial Intuition’s clients’ accounts. This includes items received through FedReceipt Plus and any ONUS items from above listed capture points that the Financial Institution has requested CFS to post.
CFS will download/receive from CORE a file formatted for notices. Match enclosures to images in the database. A list of incomplete notices (instances where enclosures could not be matched) will be provided to the Financial Institution. CFS will provide a print file to the necessary party to have notices printed and mailed to clients.
CFS will download/receive from CORE file(s) formatted for statements. Match enclosures to images in the database. Provide a list of incomplete statements (instances where enclosures could not be matched) to the Financial Institution. Provide a print file to the necessary party to have statements printed and mailed to clients.
These are files created from the statement file. PDF formatted documents will be made available to the Financial Institution’s online banking provider along with the cross-reference file to retrieve the correct statement for clients.
CFS will make available ONUS images to be displayed by the Financial Institution’s online banking provider and/or CORE systems through a means agreed upon by the parties involved. Online banking displays the images to clients when the client requests to see a check they wrote or a deposit ticket. The CORE displays the images to the Financial Institution when the employee does research on an item or transaction.
All items imported into the CFS solution will be processed through duplicate detection daily. Current day items are matched against previously imported items based on a date range agreed upon by the financial institution, such as 90 working days.